Sunday, January 16, 2011

Man's Best Friend

Whenever I've had a tough or stressful day, there is one kind soul I know I can always turn to, who will always be there for me, every time I need them. Of course, there are a few people I could be talking about: my mother, my big sister, my best friend up the street, but in this instance, I am talking about no one else, but my beloved cat, Boo.

My darling, Boo, has the most impeccable timing. On days when I need nothing more than the warmth of someone who cares about me, he is waiting for me on my bed, wanting nothing more than to spend time with me and be shown that he, too, is loved. He lays with me on the couch, follows me around the house, and meows excitedly every time I enter the room. We have conversations with each other, two sided conversations in which he meows up at me and I mimic his sound, and one sided conversations in which I empty my heart out to this calm, loving creature until I feel a little lighter. I know the expression is, "Dog is man's best friend." but as much as I love my dog, it's Boo that has the patience to sit there for hours with me as I watch tv and write on my laptop, or wait loyally by my side until I fall asleep.

Boo is eleven, turning twelve in March. Though I know there is going to come a time when he's no longer with me, I choose to focus now on the fact that he is strong, healthy, and happy, if a little overweight. Of course, he still attacks other members of my family from his hiding place beside the stairs, but he adores me with all of his furry, little being, and I adore him right back.


  1. Sweet post. You are indeed Boo's favorite, that's for sure. But I still find it funny to watch him attack Sydney. Cats just know who they can pick on... :)

  2. I don't care how much you love that cat... he's still a jerk!
