Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where I'm From

On Saturdays or snow days like this, I start off my mornings by climbing into bed with my mother. Though I'm now halfway through my fifteenth year of life, that same joy of a peaceful morning is something I enjoy, and probably will always cherish sharing with my mom. This morning was different in one way however, in that my mom didn't launch immediately into the recounting of a dream from the night before. This is something unusual because I get my vivid, very life-like dreams from my mother. She, in turn, received these dreams from her dad, my grandfather. Almost every morning, either on lazy days like this when I crawl into her wide, cozy, white bed, or on our short commute down the street to drop me and my sister off at the bus stop, we tell each other about our dreamings from the night before.

I have always been inspired by my dreams. At times, I will stand up and walk over to my bureau while only half awake to scrawl down thoughts or phrases that I want to be sure I remember the next morning. Sometimes they're story ideas. Other times they're phrases that later expand into songs or poetry. They can be like stepping into a movie, one where you know exactly what you're supposed to be doing, but as hard as you focus, you can never quite put your purpose into words. I walk around with my friends, but I never see their faces, probably because my dreaming mind can't put together all the details that are distinguishable when I'm awake. But despite this, at times I wake up in the morning, recounting my dream, surprised that it wasn't reality.

My mother also inspires me. In fact, she inspired me to begin writing this blog when she began her own. Her honest approach and openness about her life made me wonder if I would be able to do the same. This honesty and openness is also something that my mom brings to her every day life, and her approach has directly impacted the way I think and act everyday.

I'm beginning this blog without any other purpose than to put my views, thoughts, and dreamings into words and concrete ideas for myself and for anyone else like me. I'm just a small town girl with big dreams. These are a few of my thoughts.


  1. Emma Catherine Walker! This is wonderful. Truly and 100% inspirational. I hope you have the patients and determination to at least post something on here every day, even if it's just a small account. Continue writing, and always follow your dreams.

    P.S. ignore the strange username, i did not pick it!


  2. Nice post, Emma. I look forward to reading more. Blogging is fun, don't you think?

  3. You're a beautiful girl Emma. Inside and out. I am incredibly lucky to be your Mom. I love you.
